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Rotary International is an organization focused on fostering service, ethical practices, and international goodwill. Here’s a brief breakdown of each point:
- Opportunity for Service: Building relationships and acquaintances is not just for networking but creating opportunities to serve others and the community.
- High Ethical Standards: Rotarians are encouraged to uphold strong ethical standards in their professional lives, impacting their communities positively.
- Recognition of All Occupations: Every occupation is valued for its contribution to society, promoting respect for various professions and fields of work.
- Personal Application of Service: Rotarians are called to integrate the ideal of service into all aspects of their lives—personal, professional, and community-focused.
- Advancing International Understanding: The organization strives to promote peace and goodwill globally, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds through shared values of service.
Should you have any additional questions about membership details and expectations, please feel free to contact us.
The Four Way Test
The Four Way Test developed by Herbert J. Taylor in 1932 when he was asked to take charge of the Chicago-based Club Aluminum Company, which was facing bankruptcy, serves as a guiding framework for ethical decision-making in business and service. Here’s a look at each of the four questions:
- Is it the Truth?: This principle emphasizes honesty and integrity in all interactions, ensuring transparency in dealings.
- Is it Fair to all concerned?: This question encourages fairness and equity, prompting individuals to consider the impact of their actions on all stakeholders involved.
- Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?: This focuses on fostering positive relationships and mutual respect, promoting community and collaboration among individuals and organizations.
- Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?: This ensures that decisions consider the broader impact and benefits for everyone involved, not just for oneself or immediate stakeholders.
The Four-Way Test is widely used within Rotary and by many organizations as a code of ethics to guide decision-making.