About Us

What is Rotary

Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Paul P. Harris the founder of Rotary organized the first Rotary Club in Chicago, Illinois in 1905.

Brief History

The Naples-Pelican Bay Rotary Club was organized May 7, 1981 and Chartered on June 11, 1981.
Founding President was Mr. Byron Koste
Founding President Elect was Mr. Bill Hunt
Founding Secretary was Mr. Bill Reagan
Founding Treasurer was Mr. Rex Ashley
Founding Sgt. of Arms was Mr. Bob Moates

Today, Naples Pelican Bay Rotary has 80 members and generates in excess of $100,000 annually to support local charities.

Why Join Rotary

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the idea of service as basis of worthy enterprise and in particular to encourage and foster:

  • The development of acquaintances and friendships as an opportunity for service
  • Foster high ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of her or his occupation as an opportunity to serve society
  • The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to her or his personal business and community life
  • The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service

Rotarians apply our ideals daily with our Four Way Test:

  • Is it the Truth?
  • Is it Fair to all concerned?
  • Will it Build goodwill and Better Friendships?
  • Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?